Not enough reason to get back in shape and maintain your healthy lifestyle?

Here are some facts about being overweight (or obese)..

  • 50 percent more likely to develop heart disease (obese: Up to 100%)
  • Up to 360 percent more likely to develop diabetes (obese: Up to 1,020%)
  • 16 percent more likely to die of a first heart attack (obese: 49%)
  • Roughly 50 percent more likely to have total cholesterol above 250 (obese: Up to 122%)
  • 50 percent more likely to have erectile dysfunction (obese: 200%)
  • 14 percent less attractive to the opposite sex (obese: 43%)
  • Likely to spend 37 percent more a year at the pharmacy (obese: 105%)
  • Likely to stay 19 percent longer in the hospital (obese: 49%)
  • 20 percent more likely to have asthma (obese: 50%)
  • Up to 31 percent more likely to die of any cause (obese: 62%)
  • 19 percent more likely to die in a car crash (obese: 37%)
  • 120 percent more likely to develop stomach cancer (obese: 330%)
  • Up to 90 percent more likely to develop gallstones (obese: Up to 150%)
  • 590 percent more likely to develop esophageal cancer (obese: 1,520%)
  • 35 percent more likely to develop kidney cancer (obese: 70%)
  • 14 percent more likely to have osteoarthritis (obese: 34%)
  • 70 percent more likely to develop high blood pressure (obese: Up to 170%)

source: Men's Health